Media Art Category Finalist

Wave Series

teamVOID (Bae Jae-hyuck, Song Jun-bong) (South Korea)

Wave Series is a set of three lumino-kinetic works that create wave-like optical illusions from patterned movement formed by the combination of LED and a motor. The audience can experience different perceptions of space from rotating and dimming pixels’ relationships. There are three different types of wave and each shares the same algorithm and structure but results in different visuals. .


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6/3 (Tue) - 20/3 (Tue)|12nn - 8pm|Pao Galleries|Free Admission|Exhibition opening and Media Art Category Awards Presentation at 6:30pm on 6/3

Artist’s Statement

teamVOID is a media art group by Junbong Song and Jaehyuck Bae creating systematic art works between arts and technologies. In their works they attempt to understand properties of general systems, applying their various backgrounds in engineering and arts into aesthetic explorations. Therefore, they design experimental systems and create them as an interactive media, a kinetic sculpture and a light sculpture.