Past ifva Festival历届 ifva 节歷屆 ifva 節

The 17th ifva Festival

ifva proudly embraces its 17th edition and continues its mission of encouraging hands-on creative practice and inspiring new concepts and ideas. With a history that spanned over 17 years, we have witnessed and facilitated the creation of numerous outstanding local video works.

Besides showcasing award-winning pieces in the various competing categories, ifva host a DocuLab this year with master class to be hosted by renowned film editor CHEN Po-wen, coupled with seminar, workshops and screening programmes, so that the new generation can acquire not only the skill set, but also learn about preproduction strategies and review internationally famed master pieces.

To achieve this, the DocuLab presented a programme of documentary shorts from German director Werner HERZOG. In addition, a fine selection from previous ifva award-winning documentaries was showcased in the Hong Kong International Film Festival – a good reason for yet another round of ifva alumni reunion.


The 16th ifva Festival

The 16th ifva teamed up with 7-Eleven and invited seven ifva award winners from past years to take part in that year’s ifva greenlab, presenting their new works inspired by everyday life in Hong Kong.ifva introduced a new programme called “Animation Lab” in which we partnered with GOBELINS, l’école de l’image from France to hold a master class and screenings.

Live performance featured Transforma, a new media collective formed by German artists Luke BENNETT, Baris HASSELBACH and Simon KRAHL; as well as a sound performance by YAO Chung-han from Taiwan.

Another internationally renowned artist featured was Ryusuke ITO, who specializes in exploring the spatial concept in expanded cinema. There was an exhibition of his works alongside the finalist works of that year’s Interactive Media Category.


The 15th ifva festival

The 15th ifva’s opening film was Tales from the Golden Age, written and co-directed by Cristian MUNGIU (4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days) together with four other emerging directors from Romania. The film used black humour to recreate urban legends from the Communist era in that country, and offered a chance to re-examine that unique period, albeit from a slightly off-kilter perspective.

In recent years, the world of animation has produced some of the most innovative works in any audio-visual medium. This edition of ifvafeatured a host of outstanding animations from Latvia, Korea and Japan.

In its 15th year, ifva cast a glance into its past with a retrospective of award-winning and excellent works in the Youth Category of past years.

Additionally, ifva featured some of the most notable short films from the French New Wave as well as Polish shorts from the 1970s that helped usher a new era in film and video art. Last but not least, there was a screening of works from the master class led by Mary STEPHEN, Éric ROHMER’s long-time editor.


The 14th ifva Festival

The 14th ifva’s opening film was the Invisibles, an eye-opener to the greatest empathy and compassion, directed by Wim Wenders.

“Moving the Dreams”, showcasing up-and-coming Taiwanese directors, highlighted our affectionate embrace to local culture. The dreamlike sight, sound and vision in “My China Now” and multimedia performances by D-Fuse from the UK gave an imaginative reflection on our urban life, whereas the rhythm of movement pushed boundaries of the frame and body in “Selections of Jumping Frames Dance Video Festival”. Also, this edition of ifva introduced the first-ever animation screening and workshop dedicated to children in Hong Kong.

There were also outstanding works selected from the worldly renowned International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Clemont-Ferrand Short Film Festival, International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, and shortlisted works in various categories of the 14th ifva competition.

The 13th ifva Festival

The 13th ifva invited Germany’s Ober­hausen International Short Film Festival, one of the most influential international short film festivals, to lead two programmes based on award-winning films from A Gleaming Legend of Images”.

This year, ifva’s “International Panorama” also offered to audiences a wide range of programmes, including “Sight and Sound Peru: Not Only a Resplendent Tropical Landscape”, “SVEMA Films: Ukrainian Shorts”, “Korean Animation: Not Only Tearjerking Soaps”, “Wisut Ponnimit: Dots of Yellow and Green”, etc.

Local electronic music genius HO Shan@PixelToy joined new media artist Daito MANABE to stage an interactive extravaganza of sight and sound too.

The 12th ifva festival

The 12th ifva was enriched by its feature of “Short Films from Poland: Heydays of 60 Years”, in which early short works of Polish masters such as Wajda and Kieslowski were premiered in Hong Kong, as well as international award winners.

This year, ifva broadened our horizons by showcasing works of the European short film festivals and international animation festivals.Mir­rorball, the huge hit in the 11th ifva, made a comeback with Japanese shorts, animations and MVs too.

Catching up with the hand phone shorts’ hit in China, “Chinese Shorts from Zonbo Media” took audiences on an unusual mainland tour. – What does this paragraph mean?

Last but not least, the 12th ifva also featured narrative works from up and coming Hong Kong and Taiwanese directors. Local veteran media pioneer Makin FUNG also gave a live cinema with [visual x music x body x whatever.]

The 11th ifva Festival

The 11th ifva introduced a series of programmes exploring and expanding the horizon of the world of light and images in Asian and European short films. This edition of ifva also pioneered a trail linking mobile media, the internet, and theatres for creative concepts by showcasing China’s first series of mobile phone shorts and Japan’s Open Art internet shorts.

Following its goal of Idea, Frame, Vision, and Audio, ifva presented “Idea, Frame, Vision, Audio Everywhere”, a new programme that incorporated remarkable MVs from Asia and other parts of the world and highlighted MVs from indie/alternative music makers.

Expanding the limits of multi-media collaboration, we invited indie music makers to create MVs for live interactive sessions.

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of creative media and its evolution from Super 8 to interactive media, ifva and Videotage introduced the special programme “Home Movies – from Super 8 to Interactive Media in 40 years”. To further promote and popularize video creation, YU Lik-wai and Jam YAU shared their HDV/Super 8 creative techniques in the Workshop.

第十七届 ifva 节

ifva 昂然踏进第17 个年头,继续鼓励实践和开发意念,洋洋喜喜地扶植创意人才;路遥遥走下来,沿途催生了许许多多优秀的本地录像作品。


《纪录片工房》亦了安排两场精选的ifva 历届优秀纪录片作品,在香港国际电影节的平台公映,好让新知旧友又再济济一堂。


十六届 ifva 节


ifva更引入新环节「动画工房」,邀得法国GOBELINS动画学院携手合作,来港举行大师班和放映会, 为本地动画创意人提供增值与提升专业水准的机会。

同时,ifva紧贴国际艺坛潮流,是届引入德国新媒体艺术团体——「Transforma」(由Luke Bennett、Baris Hasselbach及Simon Krahl组成)以及台湾的姚仲涵,实验声音与影像,带来精彩的现场演出。



第十五届 ifva 节



为庆祝ifva 创办十五周年,历届青少年组别的优秀作品亦有在是届短片节中放映,供大众重温。

此外,为展示影像新世代的创意动力,ifva也在是届短片节中带来法国新浪潮短片、七十年代推动短片录像艺术兴起 的波兰短片,以及伊力.卢马御用剪接师雪莲主持的大师班工作坊佳作展。


第十四届 ifva 节


其次,《海角七号》导演魏德圣等多位知名导演以擅长的浓情厚意,打造台湾人的电影梦。当代中国导演的「私家中国」与英国著名多媒体组合D-Fuse 亦应邀作现场表演,用创意影音表达希望踏遍城市足迹的梦想。

是届短片 节亦带来「《跳格》舞蹈录像节精选作品展」和举行专为小学生而设的动画放映节目及工作坊。

另外,ifva 更播映了德国奥柏荷辛国际短片节、法国安锡动画节、克莱蒙费朗短片节及荷兰阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片节的精选得奖作品,配合是届赛事各组别的入围作品展,见证ifva扶持本地与亚洲影像的发展。

第十三届 ifva 节

第十三届ifva短片节配合是届主题「全城光 影相随」,除放映了该季赛事入围作品选外,更邀得当今极具影响力的德国奥柏荷辛国际短片节,带来两个「燃亮世界光影的传奇」近年得奖的作品集。

为 扩阔观众视野,是届的「寰宇光影巡礼」,搜罗各地精彩短片,呈现观众眼前。当中节目包括 「秘鲁光影:不只热带风情话」、「SVEMA:乌克兰短片选」、「韩国动画:不只是韩剧」和「动画新势力WisutPONNIMIT:点黄点绿抱抱你」 等。

此外,本地电玩神童何山@PixelToy亦与东京前卫新媒体达人 Daito Manabe于短片节中携手合作,融合影音作互动表演。

第十二届 ifva 节


是香港首次举行的波兰短片系列选展。当中除了大师级导演如华意达、奇 斯洛夫斯基等的早期短片,亦有近年扬威国际的绝佳作品。

是届ifva亦 放映了近年在各大国际影展、短片节及动画节的得奖作品精选;而于十一届大受欢迎的节目Mirrorball,于是次短片节中再从爱丁堡带来精选日本短片、动画与MV。

有见近年手机短片在中国市场大 热大卖,ifva 搜罗五出分别由陈果、崔健等拍下的新潮影像,呈献观众眼前。

此外,是届短片节更带来香港、台湾新进导演的叙事影像。而本地资深媒 体先锋冯炳辉,结合影像、音乐和身体,大玩live cinema,庆祝97回归十周年。

第十一届 ifva 节

第十一届ifva短片节网罗亚洲及欧洲各地的精彩短片,为观众带来多个节目,包括「齐来感受─—海啸短片精选」、「爱『德』短」和「打开北欧光影之门─北欧短精选」。另外,ifva带领大家穿梭手机、互联网、影院之间,呈献中国新锐导演第一个手机短片系列和日本Open Art网上短片,创造无国界分享空间。

是届ifva策划节目「宏观音乐」,配合Idea、Frame、Vision、Audio 四大元素,播放国际及亚洲的出色MV,当中包括不少独立/另类音乐人的作品。

为鼓动独立创作有更多跨媒体合作,ifva策动四方独立音乐与录像创作作动分子制作MV,互动live jam,将声与影并肩伸延至现场表演。

是届短片节为庆祝创意媒体面世四十周年,特设「ifva × Videotage 达人力拍闹热自家影像」。此外,ifva更请来余力为及丘忠业传授HDV/八米厘的摄制技巧。

十七屆 ifva 

ifva 昂然踏進第17 個年頭,繼續鼓勵實踐和開發意念,洋洋喜喜地扶植創意人才;路遙遙走下來,沿途催生了許許多多優秀的本地錄像作品。


《紀錄片工房》亦了安排兩場精選的ifva 歷屆優秀紀錄片作品,在香港國際電影節的平台公映,好讓新知舊友又再濟濟一堂。


十六屆 ifva 節


ifva更引入新環節「動畫工房」,邀得法國GOBELINS動畫學院攜手合作,來港舉行大師班和放映會, 為本地動畫創意人提供增值與提升專業水準的機會。

同時,ifva緊貼國際藝壇潮流,是屆引入德國新媒體藝術團體——「Transforma」(由Luke Bennett、Baris Hasselbach及Simon Krahl組成)以及台灣的姚仲涵,實驗聲音與影像,帶來精彩的現場演出。



第十五屆 ifva 節



為慶祝ifva 創辦十五週年,歷屆青少年組別的優秀作品亦有在是屆短片節中放映,供大眾重溫。



第十四屆 ifva 節


其次,《海角七號》導演魏德聖等多位知名導演以擅長的濃情厚意,打造台灣人的電影夢。當代中國導演的「私家中國」與英國著名多媒體組合D-Fuse 亦應邀作現場表演,用創意影音表達希望踏遍城市足跡的夢想。


另外,ifva 更播映了德國奧柏荷辛國際短片節、法國安錫動畫節、克萊蒙費朗短片節及荷蘭阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片節的精選得獎作品,配合是屆賽事各組別的入圍作品展,見證ifva扶持本地與亞洲影像的發展。

第十三屆 ifva 節



此外,本地電玩神童何山@PixelToy亦與東京前衛新媒體達人Daito Manabe於短片節中攜手合作,融合影音作互動表演。

第十二屆 ifva 節



有見近年手機短片在中國市場大熱大賣,ifva 搜羅五齣分別由陳果、崔健等拍下的新潮影像,呈獻觀眾眼前。

此外,是屆短片節更帶來香港、台灣新進導演的敘事影像。而本地資深媒體先鋒馮炳輝,結合影像、音樂和身體,大玩live cinema,慶祝97回歸十周年。

第十一屆 ifva 節

第十一屆ifva節網羅亞洲及歐洲各地的精彩短片,為觀眾帶來多個節目,包括「齊來感受─—海嘯短片精選」、「愛『德』短」和「打開北歐光影之門─北歐短精選」。另外,ifva帶領大家穿梭手機、互聯網、影院之間,呈獻中國新銳導演第一個手機短片系列和日本Open Art網上短片,創造無國界分享空間。 是屆ifva策劃節目「宏觀音樂」,配合Idea、Frame、Vision、Audio 四大元素,播放國際及亞洲的出色MV,當中包括不少獨立/另類音樂人的作品。 為鼓動獨立創作有更多跨媒體合作,ifva策動四方獨立音樂與錄像創作作動分子製作MV,互動live jam,將聲與影並肩伸延至現場表演。 是屆短片節為慶祝創意媒體面世四十週年,特設「ifva × Videotage 達人力拍鬧熱自家影像」。此外,ifva更請來余力為及邱忠業傳授HDV/八米厘的攝製技巧。